
Sylwia Kowalska & Agata Piotrowska from GFKK co-authors of Libralex ADR Guide 3rd Edition

Sylwia Kowalska and Agata Piotrowska, who cooperate with GFKK on a daily basis, co-wrote the Libralex ADR Guide 3rd Edition, which has just been published IPOS Mediation Laytons ETL in the context of the Art Law Conference in London, organized by Libralex E.E.I.G.
The publication is mainly devoted to mediation in different countries, and Sylwia and Agata are the authors of the chapter on mediation in Poland. 

The cooperation of people coming from different countries, representing various Libralex E.E.I.G. member law firms, resulted in an interesting and useful guide to the principles of mediation. 

Libralex ADR Guide 3rd Edition is available to the public on the Libralex E.E.I.G. website.